Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Notes from Boston

Mary and I are just back from the annual American Land Title Association Convention, held in Boston this year. Two topics were top of mind for title insurance professionals as we gathered from across the country: TRID and outreach to homebuyers.

As far as TRID is concerned, we’re now a week past the implementation date, and new loans are being processed under the new rule. In the title business, most of us are still awaiting our first new Closing Disclosure Forms as lenders work their way through the new process. Most of the talk about TRID at the convention revolved around potential issues that title underwriters and agents feel might be coming down the pike and efforts in Congress to institute a formal grace period for those moments when good faith efforts fall a little short.

The House of Representatives passed the Homebuyer Assistance Act in veto-proof, bipartisan fashion last week, and we hope the Senate will follow suit soon. While the White House has threatened a veto, let’s hope that the President will relent when the bill reaches his desk, or at least the Senate also passes the bill with a veto-proof majority. Asking Washington to institute a grace period is not asking for special treatment. Lenders, attorneys and title industry members simply want to be able to implement the new rule as seamlessly as possible in the coming months without being overly concerned about daunting repercussions for honest mistakes. 

I urge you to contact your senators in support of this bill. As third in command of Democrats in the Senate, Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin is a particularly crucial leader to get on board.

Regarding consumer outreach efforts, ALTA is urging members to get more deeply committed to educating home buyers and sellers about the residential real estate process. There is growing awareness that consumers in the coming years will increasingly be making decisions regarding vendors throughout the transaction process. Arming them with comprehensive, easy-to-understand information is a first step in helping consumers make good choices.

Take a look at
ALTA’s homeclosing101.org web page and direct your customers to the page for more information about our industry. The Realtors’ and Mortgage Banking Association’s web sites also have consumer-oriented educational tools. Better consumer outreach is critical, I believe, as members of the home-buying public become more sophisticated in their approach to the residential real estate process. Let’s help them get there.

Questions, comments? Please post your thoughts for all to see and respond to. 


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